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Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Solutions To Stop Global Warming

Basically, we should do is reduce as closely as possible all the activities that produce greenhouse gas emissions.

There are five main things you can do to save planet Earth:

[1]. Minimalization or stop eating meat!

In the report, entitled Livestock's Long Shadow: environmental Issues and Options (released November 206), the UN notes that 18% of global warming is happening at this time donated by livestock industry, which is greater than the effect of global warming generated by all the means of transportation combined! UN also added that the emissions are calculated only based on CO2 emissions produced, and in addition as a great contributor to CO2, livestock industry is also one of the main sources of pollution of land and water resources clean.

A report from Earth Institute asserts that the plant-based diet want for only 25% of energy needed by the meat-based diet. Research conducted by Professor Gidon Eshel and Pamela Martin from the University of Chicago also provides the same conclusion: the pattern of eating meat with a vegetarian eating pattern, 50% more effective to prevent global warming than to replace a hybrid car. A vegetarian diet with the standard the United States would save 1.5 tons of greenhouse emissions every year!

A vegetarian in a Hummer SUV is more friendly to the environment than a meat eater who drive bike!

[2] Call a halt of carbon dioxide emissions!

If possible, find sources of alternative energy that does not produce CO2 emissions, such as solar energy, water, angina, nuclear, and others.

When forced to use fossil fuels (which will result in CO2 emissions), use them wisely and efficiently. This includes electricity and save energy, especially with Indonesia, including many countries that use fossil fuels (oil, coal) for the electricity generator.

Turn off electrical equipment when not in use, use energy efficient lighting, and use solar panels as alternative energy.

[3] Plant more trees!

Green plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the network. But after death they will release the CO2 back into the air. Environment with many plants will be binding with either CO2, and must be maintained by future generations. If not, then the carbon that is stored in the plant will be released back to the atmosphere as CO2.

Researchers from Louisiana Tech University found that each of Acre green trees can capture enough carbon to offset emissions resulting from motoring for a year.

A study done by the forestry service in the United States also showed that planting 95,000 trees in the two small cities in Chicago to give a more clean air and save costs associated with heating and cooling the air of more than U.S. $ 38 million in 30 years to future.

[4] Recycling (Recycle) and re-use (reuse)

Calculations conducted in California showed that when the process of recycling can be applied to the level of the State of California, the energy savings are enough to supply energy for 1.4 million homes, reduces 27,047 tons of water pollution, saves 14 million trees, and emissions cut down greenhouse gases equivalent to the 3.8 million cars!

[5] Use altenative means of transportation to reduce carbon emissions

Research conducted by University of Chicago shows that the switch from conventional cars to hybrid cars such as Toyota Prius can save 1 ton per year emissions.

Consume local food products to reduce emissions in a significant amount. Research conducted by Iowa State University in 2003 found that non-local food average travel 1494 miles before consumption, compare with the local food, which only cover 56 miles. Imagine how much carbon emission savings that the difference is 1438 miles.

Use the bike as much as you can as a method of transportation. Besides saving a lot of energy, cycling is also a healthful exercise.


One thing that is very important in addition to the five things you can do the above is the desire and motivation to change your own.

The suggestions above will not only be meaningful if the reading without real action. We should really start practice it in daily life. You do not need to take extreme steps to immediately change only in the night when it is too heavy for you. Do it in stages, but is consistent with your commitment.

Be real example for the environment and the people around you. Examples and practices that you have provided is very important for the Conference for many other people also changed. Give information to the people around you so they can understand the consequences of the pattern of their lives. And give them the encouragement to try to pattern noble life that will save our beloved planet this.

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