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Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Global Warming is Biggest Threat Planet Earth!

The question the first time in your mind is: How possible?
How might global warming could threaten life on planet earth? See brief facts of the following:

Fact # 1: Fuse of polar ice in the north & south

Global warming continues to impact directly on the melt of ice in polar regions north and south poles. In Greenland ice melt that has reached almost 19 million tons! And the volume of ice in the summer Artik in 2007 only half of the previous 4 years!

Melt of ice at this time is running far faster than models had predicted that was created by scientists. Some early predictions that have been made throughout the previous estimate that the polar ice will vanish in the year 2040 until 2100. But the ice annual data to that recorded in 2007 to make them think about the re-model predictions have been made previously.

Scientists acknowledge that there are key-factor which does not include them in the models have predicted that. By using the latest data ice, and the model predicted more accurately, Dr. H. J. Zwally, a NASA climate expert input to create a very new surprise:

Recently, a natural phenomenon shows again how serious conditions. On 6 March 2008, an ice nugget of 414 square kilometers (almost 1.5 times the city of Surabaya wide) in the Antarctic collapse.

According to the researchers, nugget ice-shaped plate is a very large permanent float around 1.609 kilometers south of South America, southwest Antarctic Peninsula. In fact, chunks of ice is believed to be in there since 1.500 years ago. "This is a result of global warming," said the head of the NSIDC researcher Ted Scambos. According to him, plate ice is called Wilkins Ice Shelf collapse is very rare.

Now, after the split, the remaining ice nugget lived 12,950 square kilometers, 5.6 kilometers plus discounts and ice near the two islands. "A little more, the last ice nugget can participate vanish. And, half the total ice area will disappear in a few years, "said Scambos.

"Some instances, the point is that trigger changes in the system," said Sarah Das, researchers from the Institute of Marine Wood Hole. Changes in Antarctica are complex and more isolated from all parts of the world.

South Pole in Antarctica is a continent of land and mountain lakes surrounded blanket sea ice. This continent is much more than cold Artik, so that the ice layer in the melt there is very rarely, even layer that did not melt in history. Temperatures average minus 49 degrees Celsius, but almost never reach minus 90 degrees Celsius in July 1983. No wonder if the phenomenon fuse the ice continent containing nearly 90 percent of ice in the world that get serious attention by researchers.

Fact # 2: The increasing level of the sea surface

Melt of ice in the polar north and south poles direct impact on the wage level of the surface sea water. Experts estimate when all of Greenland melt. Surface of the sea water level will rise up to 7 meters! Enough to drown all the coastal, port, and low all over the world.

Fact # 3: Changes in climate / weather is more extreme

NASA says that global warming effect on the ekstrem weather and climate changes in the earth. Patterns of rainfall variability can be predicted without causing a flood in one place, but drought in others. Hurricane and tropical storms will appear with the new trends in the longer the stronger.

Without strengthened by NASA on the statement you can also see the effect on the environment around us. You realize how much heat the temperature around you lately. You can also see how you can not estimate coming rainy season or drought that resulted in losses for farmers because the planting season that should be done in the dry season was even rain. You can also find cases of extreme storm surge that had never certain areas in Indonesia. Years we are increasingly frequent storms-storms that disrupt shipping and road transportation via both sea and air.

When the phenomenon in the country is still not enough for you, you can also find news about international natural disasters. Cyclone storm in Japan and the United States continues to record-breaking speed angina, scale, and strength of hurricanes from year to year, rainfall and snow storms in China also continues to break new records from year to year. You can find this information through the mass media and the internet. No one even continents in the world that escape from the extreme climate changes this.

Fact # 4: The Waves Heat became violent

Global Warming cause heat waves become more frequent and more powerful.

Year 2007 is a record breaking year for the new temperature reached by the ordinary heat waves over the United States.

Regional St. George, Utah holds the record with the highest temperature is 48 degrees Celsius! (As a comparison, you can imagine the temperature of Surabaya's famous hot 'only' in the range between 30-37 degrees Celsius). Temperatures in the St. George followed by Las Vegas and Nevada reaching 47 degrees Celsius, and several cities in the United States line the average temperature above 40 degrees Celsius. Death Valley region in California even had a record temperature of 53 degrees Celsius!

Wave of attacks this summer and even force the government in some countries to declare the status of emergency standby I. Attacks that take a few years the victim died (due to heat), damage to agricultural products, triggering a great forest fire, and kill farm animals and cattle.

In 2003, the South European region have also got great heat wave of attacks that resulted in no less than 35,000 people died with the victims of most of France (14,802 people). France is a country with the most victims of the soul is not ready for residents and local government on the phenomena of the heat wave. Other victims of the soul began to spread from the UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and of other European countries. This heat wave also caused severe drought and crop failure in the area of uniform Europe.

We may not experience the wave-wave heat very formidable as experienced by Europe and the United States, but through observation and from what you feel in day-to-day. You can also feel how much heat the temperature around you. Try to note how often you may hear or say their own words such as: "Heat of today!"

If you happened to work in air-conditioned room from morning to afternoon, so you do not got a taste of late summer temperatures, you can ask to friends or people around you the chance to work outside the room. Those who work daily with the vehicle in daylight air (such as sales with a motorcycle) may be able to more clearly depict how the summer sun sting their backs.

Fact # 5: utmost glacier - Source Water world

Fuse of glacier-glacier of the world threaten the availability of clean water, and in the long term will contribute to the increased level participated in sea water of the world. And unfortunately it is happening at this time. Glacier-glacier of the world at this time until the melt point of worrying?

NASA notes that since 1960 to 2005 alone, the number of glacier-glacier in the various world lost no less than 8000 cubic meters! NASA scientists are now aware that fuse of glacier, fuse of polar ice in the second earth, the earth's rising temperatures globally, to the rising sea water lever is evidence that the planet earth is being continuously heat. And ascertained that people responsible for this.

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